Words to nourish the soul, alongside a meal of substance.
Beef / January 15, 2014It is the start of January, crisp and cold, dark and quiet, and each day dawns in a whisper and not a shout. Leaves are silent, only turning in mock movement when touched by a gust of bitter wind. It reminds me that life is still tucked-in deeply behind bark, soil and rocks, slumbering with the solstice, and not as eager as I to wake up.
As I worship the bended warmth of the afternoon sun, I feel the horizon pulling her behind imaginary borders, whisking it away to shine upon southern shores and reprimanding me for my yearnings.
But there is something else brewing in my life that feels more like spring, and I feel it more keenly than ever. I am restless and tired at the same time; bold and also afraid, like two notes in a minor key that together create harmony.
As you read this blog you will see it’s more about reflection than recipe, more about filling your mind than your belly. But shouldn’t everything we do nourish us? Are we not here to be joyful and share that with others? I can think of nothing that blends those ideals more than writing and cooking. And something warm like this Paprika Rubbed Pot Roast contains all the best of what food should be.
As you spend more time reflecting during this time of year, I will hope that while you nourish your body, you never forget to nourish your soul.