Work all day, Blog all night. A girl needs a nourishing meal!
Main Course / June 12, 2016I’m getting closer. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…or shall we say the oven light at the end of the hallway? Either way, I am determined that someday I will make my money cooking, and also teaching and writing about food. But until then, the cooking and blogging are relegated to the evening, after I am done with my work as a Brand Therapist and Communications Consultant. I love what I do. I love it a lot! But cooking is quickly taking the top spot in my heart.
Case in point. Here it sit at 10:30 pm on a Saturday night, updating recipes I’ve created during the week, adjusting and enhancing photos for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, and organizing new content while friends are out enjoying a summer evening. But I wouldn’t have it any other way!