When anything bubbles, it gets exciting…even when you’re making chicken!
Chicken / August 26, 2015As I was watching my entree cook in the oven, I was beginning to question the look of it. Too monochromatic; too flat. I had spent so much time thinking about how it would all come together and I hate when reality doesn’t match imagination…..Hmmm. — Wait! I know! I will char that sugar and make it nice and crusty. And it worked.
And so it is with most things in our life. Add a little fire and it gets exciting pretty quickly. Chicken is no exception. And I got fired up about this recipe when I saw how great it turned out, so I knew it deserved a place on the blog.
The dish you see here is a conglomerate of leftovers, (My specialty, really.) and made good use of stuff that would otherwise have died in the dark corners of my fridge. I shall leave out the mundane, like why I made chicken instead of, say, eel. So, let’s just begin at the fun moment, the prep, and go from there.
1. Leftover chicken. One intact breast, one cut into pieces. Solution: cut the other one to match and use 3 inch cubes. That was easy.
2. Leftover bean sprouts. Crunchy or cooked? Garnish or integral ingredient? Camouflage or flaunt? — Cooked, integral, camouflaged. DONE! Okay…
3. Leftover rice. Seriously, just leftover rice goes in everything so easily, but I still pondered on it for a short moment. Every ingredient deserves pondering.
4. Leftover Garlic. Four little petal cloves remaining in fridge; languishing as the last loved pods of a ravished whole clove. Yeah, gotta add lots of garlic.
5. Sweet Thai chili sauce. Aw! So sad! Only a tiny bit left in the bottle. Sure, come to the party, too!
What will bring it all together? SUGAR!
And away I went, mixing, tasting, tossing, baking, frying. Yeah, the party in my mouth was not a disappointment.
Turning the broiler on high for the last 2 minutes or so was the kicker. Look at that gorg caramelization! And see the bubble line around the edge? Phew! Removed it from the oven just in time. Otherwise that sugary syrup would have gurgled mercilessly over onto my oven floor. Oh, well. Wouldn’t be the first time….