A Super Bowl? My Definition Is A Bit Different…But My Super Bowl Food Translates Beautifully.
Appetizers / February 3, 2018PLUS 4 delicious munchy recipes for game day…
As I write this post our belongings are still in storage. I sometimes dream about my pans, platters and slow cooker with a sense of deep longing. My dreams are about spring-form pans and spatulas, not pigskins or shoulder pads. I can’t wait for the day when I can unpack my tools, lovingly roll them around in my palm, touch each curve and heat resistant handle, and make friends with them again.
But today I must focus on the game. The Super Bowl, that is. And I have some thoughts about what all those words mean. Clearly something is lost in translation. And since everything is about food for me, I thought I share not only a few game day recipes, but also my interpretation of football terms.
So while watching the #newenglandpatriots and the #philidelphiaeagles try to avoid the tackle, I’m tackling some fun food. And for fun, here are some football terms I really think should belong to someone wearing an apron instead of a wearing a helmet. Don’t you agree?
Of course the first is — Super bowl: The receptacle that I place deliciousness in, so I can impress my guests at mega dinner parties. It is most likely too big for the dishwasher.
Scoop and score: That moment when peel your bread dough out of the bowl in one handful after rising and it is perfect in every way. (see photos above for clarification.)
Failed pass attempt: What happens when I carelessly toss eggshells from a distance into the trash, because I’m too lazy to walk them over 3 more feet. No first down for me.
Completion percentage: How I rate the success of my souffle-making prowess if one doesn’t fall when removed from the oven. Hint. Mine is rising steadily. Heheheh…
Direct snap: The sound made when you crack the wrong bone while cutting up a whole chicken. And the sound you make when your head explodes because now both legs have been ruined.
Field goal: The best green salad ever!!!
Hash marks: Duh…those little criss cross indentations I place across each peanut butter cookie before baking them.
And finally — Icing the kicker: Clearly they left out a word. Icing “is” the kicker when you make sugar cookies and know there’s still something missing. #iwishthenflcouldspell
In spite of your horror at reading my glossary of confusing football terms, I present a few of my FAVORITE football foods for your culinary line of scrimmage!!!